Aidilfitri 2016
Fyi, it's not even eid yet.
But I am super excited!
Eid this year will take over the social media.
People be showing off their #OOTD, make ups and shit.
Why is this baby beside me again?!
Why am I busy babysitting?
I'm supposed to be having fun.
Burn my hands off playing firecrackers with the neighbours.
It might be better than just laying around doing nothing, right?
Lol come tothink of it, i changed my mind.
Let's just stick to the baby part.
I'm all about that life after all ;')
Eid 2016 is a little less fun for me.
My 3 sisters are not home to celebrate.
Which leaves me (the only female sibling), my dad, mom and my 2 bros.
I really hope kat Muar esok saudara-mara ramai yang ada.
Ya allah please make that happen...
Kalau semua raya belah in-law, pishang le aku
Aku dah beli baju raya tahun ni....
Siapa nak tengok.....Siapa nak puji.....Dah lah cantik
Kalau tak cantik, tak tunjuk kat orang pun takpe hahaha
Riak jap uhuk uhuk
Before this year I didn't have my own raya outfit for abt 3 years straight.
Sebab memang banyak baju yang tak terpakai.
Bukannya taknak beli. Tipulah taknak baju baru.
Mak tak bagi duit so kita faham2 sendirilah kan.
Takde, tak kisah. Masih boleh raya.
Nanti dah ada duit sendiri, belilah apa2 yang teringin.
That will be all
Thanks for your time, Readers!
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